Wednesday, January 16, 2008

'Don't Forget The Chequebook'

These were Tim's last words on the phone just now. We're off to see the solicitor this afternoon (of which I shall elaborate on our return), and as far as I know we're going to sign things and sort out an exchange date. There are a few questions about the lease that we need answered, as it seems as a 'tenant' the only thing we have permission to do is open and shut the door (as long as we don't slam it).
some questions we need answered;
can we paint it green?
can we put up our own stud-walling?
can we put up a sign on the side of the building?
can we put bookcases up by the window?
This is the first time we've seen the lease and I imagine they're all very similar, so let's hope there's a bit of flexibility there.
We'll find out.

In other news Katie and Simon-1, Mouse-0

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